Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tasting Menu Resurrection

It's been nearly a year since our tasting menu and truth is we almost passed entirely on doing one this year.  There are a lot of factors that have gone into our decision making process such as limited space, re-working of our core menu that has taken up what little space we have (and where we have always staged our tasting menu plating and much of its production), labor costs, etc, etc...  But the honest truth is that none of these are good reasons to pass entirely on our tasting menus of Summers past.  We don't yet have all of the details worked out, though we are close.  I can tell you that our first tasting menu will be for 1 night only on Tuesday, July 31st and we will be able to take only 50 reservations.  Last year we were doing 3 nights in a row and booking these near solid a month in advance.  The menu will be inspired by a New England Clam Bake and nearly complete.  My team and I have been testing recipes for the past 2 weeks in preparation and anticipation for this upcoming event.   I will post the menu and some other goodies soon...hope to see you on July 31st.

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