Sunday, December 12, 2010


Gravlax is cured salmon.  The curing process draws moisture from the protein structure of the fish and denatures the proteins, thus "cooking" the fish.  A typical cure consists of salt, sugar, herbs & spices and usually in the case of gravlax, a small amount of alcohol.  The salt draws the moisture out and the rest is there to impart flavor, the alcohol allows for maximizing flavor transfer with specific regards to the herbs.  The result of a proper gravlax is wonderful texture with excellent seasoning and perfect moisture.  Our gravlax takes 72 hours to complete.  Ken started this Atlantic Salmon in the cure on Tuesday night (12/07/10).  By Friday evening the cured salmon was perfect, I removed the salmon from the cure, rinsed it thoroughly and dried it...Done, ready for applications in recipes.

Saturday Night 12/11/10

House Cured Atlantic Salmon Amuse Bouche
roasted beets, cucumber crema, pickled onion & garlic-dill tuile

Below:  Mise En Place for Cured Salmon Amuse Bouche

My wife was in for dinner on Saturday Night with 2 of her employees, below are the amuse bouche for her table

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