Thursday, December 2, 2010


Spherical Mango:  this is a photo of a test that I began working on last February in prepartion for this past years Tasting Menus.  I experimented with both larger spheres and also "caviar".  In the below example I got the look exactly right, the large spheres look like egg yolk, beautiful.  The problem here was the taste, It was very watered down, not nearly as concentated as desired.  In the tests that I ran last year, flavor was the obstacle that I was not able to overcome.  My first test of spherification was actually on rootbeer and the final product looked good but had a horendous chemical aftertaste.  I never got the testing phase finished and produced a proper product and so the technique never made it onto any of the tasting menus.  This is a technique that my team and I will work towards perfecting in the coming months, I'll keep you posted.

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