Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday Morning Donuts!

French Crullers:  On Saturday morning I was working on an amuse bouche and had extra pate a choux.
 What can I do with that?  Make some friggin donuts, that's what. 

This guy needs a haircut!
When making "choux" donuts the batter must be piped onto parchment before being dropped into the fryer.

The only issues that I came up against is that I could only drop 3 donuts into the fryer at a time, I'm limited to
1 fryer.  By the time I got to working the on the next 3 the previous batch had been eaten; mostly by Ken and Maria.  I made about 2 dozen.

We just simply dusted the donuts with powdered sugar, as this was a spur of the moment idea.  These donuts would have been ridiculous if I'd made a proper glaze.  Perhaps next Saturday.

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