Tuesday, February 22, 2011

BLT "salad"

Over the Valentines Holiday Weekend, which seemed to last for 2 weeks, we tested an idea for a salad/appetizer that would utilize Snake River Farms Berkshire Pork Belly.  I decided to go for a play on the BLT sandwich.  This is what we ended up with...

"BLT Salad"
fresh berkshire bacon
tomato marmalade, baby lettuces, sourdough toast
maple-pepper aioli & dijon vinaigrette

The "T" in BLT was the most difficult to properly present due to time of year.  It's near impossible to find a proper tomato in Glastonbury, CT in the middle of February.  I chose to go with a tomato marmalade as a way to coax the most tomato flavor possible out of fresh tomatoes.  The marmalade takes us 12 - 16 hours per batch to cook, but only consists of tomato, shallot, onion, vinegar & sugar.  The end result is well worth it and gives us a very nice natural tomato flavor in February...the acidity and mild sweetness work perfectly with pork belly.

we'll see what happens, this item sold really well I just haven't finalized all the recipe work due to a business trip in Philadelphia right after Valentines Day.  This may end up on the menu for a couple of months...but no promises.

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