Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The "Perfect Scrambled Egg"

I've been obsessed with scrambled eggs ever since I realized their true potential about 3 years ago, at Joel Robuchon in Las Vegas.  I had planned this dinner for months once my wife informed me that we were going to Vegas.  This was to be my pilgrimage.  Once we arrived I checked out the menu and saw that scrambled eggs & toast with asparagus was on the menu, and quite honestly I was puzzled.  I assumed that what I'd be served would be some play on scrambled eggs and toast, surely I didn't come all the way to Las Vegas, to Joel Robuchon to be served scrambled eggs, right?  WRONG...My mind was blown.  It really re-affirmed the importance of technique and simplicity.  A perfectly cooked scrambled egg is, for me, as good as it gets...

Every so often I get an "itch" for some "Perfect Scrambled Eggs", that's what we (the kitchen crew & I) call them...because we don't want scrambled eggs, we want PERFECT Scrambled Eggs...HUGE difference.  Only a very small (even minute) percentage of the population has ever even seen a perfectly scrambled egg or heard of the concept for that matter.  To the vast majority of people, scrambled eggs means that crap that their mother used to overcook on weekends, and that is what they equate eggs to...What a shame, they may never know the perfection that is the lowly egg.

Since that dinner at Joel Robuchon a few years back, I've been working on perfecting scrambled egg cookery.  It is so incredibly simple, that it's incredibly difficult.  Each time I get a step closer to perfection...but absolute perfection always seems to elude me.  Here are photos of the last "go of it"...9.75 stars out of 10.

the simplest of ingredients:  Eggs, cream, salt & pepper.

A bit of Fleur de Sel, butter and asparagus to finish the dish

Near Perfection on a plate

You've not lived until you've had Perfect Scrambled Eggs, once you've experienced it, it becomes an obsession.  Sort of like pork belly, but that's another rant...soon to come!

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