Monday, February 7, 2011

Orange-Chipotle Gastrique

As promised, an exercise in sauce making 101, documented production of the orange-chipotle gastrique from the bacon ice cream tests.  I've been a bit slow to post this only because I've had issues crashing the internet access at the restaurant while loading the photos into the blog.  Hopefully we'll have this problem worked out soon.  Classically there is no definition for gastrique, but it has come to be defined as a reduction of caramelized sugar & vinegar.  Often a wine is added to the reduction but is not necessary.  The final product ought be quite acidic while balanced with sweetness.

Here's a simplified photographic progression of the process for this particular gastrique...

Start with sugar & spices (such as mustard seed, star anise & carraway) in a cool dry pan.
Place the pan over medium-high heat and allow the sugar to begin to caramelize, the spices will also toast lightly during this time.
Vinegar is then added (in this case rice wine vinegar) and brought to a simmer.
Herbs (tarragon & thyme) & chipotle pepper puree are added.
All of this is cooked down to a syrup (until almost dry).
Fresh orange juice is then added to the mix.
The mixture is brought to simmer.
The liquid simmers until reduced by two thirds.
The liquid is then strained into a smaller pot.
This will then be reduced again.
After reduced again (this time by half) the sauce is strained again and ready for use.
Below is the the finished product.

The finished gastrique has a nice viscosity and sheen.  The sauce tastes of orange with a hit of smokey spice from the chipotle. 

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